I interviewed people about how the create, use and interact with memes in online communities as part of a research project into building online communities using memes. These are the key takeaways from one of those interviews. The interviewee is has been anonymized for privacy purposes. You may use these notes for secondary research purposes as long as I am credited.


Platform Preferences:

  • Primarily uses Facebook and Instagram for viewing and sharing memes, with a growing preference for Instagram.

Meme Sharing Behavior:

  • Shares memes that he finds amusing, typically ones that are clean and not hurtful, as he is mindful of his role as a school teacher.

Meme Sharing Motivation:

  • Shares memes for personal enjoyment and to engage with others on his platforms.
  • Occasionally considers engagement metrics but shares primarily for the humor he finds in the content.

Frequency of Meme Sharing:

  • Shares memes approximately six times a day, every day.

Content of Shared Memes:

  • Often shares “nerd” content, including memes related to Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, and comic books.
  • Focuses on content that aligns with his interests and maintains a positive image.

Meme Success Factors:

  • Believes that successful memes often involve subversion—making people think about a subject in a new or unexpected way.
  • Ensures that the humor is appropriate and not in poor taste, particularly given his profession.

Interest in Meme Analytics:

  • Occasionally checks analytics out of curiosity, especially when a meme performs unusually well.
  • Generally does not focus on analytics, as his primary goal is personal enjoyment.

Final Remarks:

Acknowledges the importance of maintaining a positive online presence due to his profession and is cautious about the content he shares to ensure it aligns with his values.