I interviewed people about how the create, use and interact with memes in online communities as part of a research project into building online communities using memes. These are the key takeaways from one of those interviews. The interviewee is has been anonymized for privacy purposes. You may use these notes for secondary research purposes as long as I am credited.


Platform Preferences:

  • Primarily uses Instagram for posting memes, with some activity on Twitter. Prefers Instagram despite its inconsistent handling of cannabis-related content.

Meme Sharing Behavior:

  • Regularly shares cannabis-related memes, especially those that are funny or clever. Prefers to keep content light and humorous, avoiding any that are sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive.

Meme Sharing Motivation:

  • Shares memes primarily for their humor and cleverness. Enjoys posting content that is entertaining and engages with his audience, particularly around cannabis culture.

Frequency of Meme Sharing:

  • Shares memes with friends almost daily and posts on social media accounts once or twice a week, with slightly more frequent activity on Twitter.

Content of Shared Memes:

  • Focuses on cannabis-related memes, ensuring they are funny, relatable, and sometimes educational. Occasionally searches specifically for new memes to keep his content fresh.

Meme Success Factors:

  • Believes that humor, satire, and irony are key elements of successful memes. Considers audience expectations, especially as a comedian, when selecting memes to share.

Interest in Meme Analytics:

  • Reviews Instagram’s basic analytics, such as likes, shares, and interactions, but does not focus heavily on these metrics. Is resistant to becoming too focused on algorithms.

Final Remarks:

  • Frustrated with Instagram’s inconsistent handling of cannabis-related content, which affects his ability to share educational posts. Finds the platform’s restrictions challenging, especially given his large following as a cannabis advocate.