As part of a series of user test on how the sharing mechanisms of a meme based community might work, I interviewed people in the role of “meme creator.” A meme creator is a person who uses the site primarily to create, view and share memes both within the community and outside the community. The meme creator can create and manage their own “community” withing the larger community structure and share their creations with their community and its members. These are the key takeaways from one of those interviews. The interviewee is has been anonymized for privacy purposes. You may use these notes for secondary research purposes as long as I am credited.


Login and Profile Feedback

  • Assumed the top icons lead to profile, notifications, or messages but expressed uncertainty about some icons’ purposes, such as the mail icon and others.
  • Found the edit options (e.g., social media links) straightforward but was confused about why clicking on a profile icon took her to her profile rather than the creator’s profile.

Sharing Process Observations

  • Liked the idea of direct sharing to social media and expressed a preference for including both a cross-platform sharing option and a direct link option. Felt that direct link sharing alone was not sufficient for all social media platforms.
  • Curious about the “scheduled” option for sharing, indicating a preference for a calendar view when scheduling posts to make the process clearer.

UI Design Suggestions

  • Suggested that some icons, like the image icon, were ambiguous. She initially thought the image icon would lead to a feed rather than a creation page. Preferred clearer icons or labels to reduce confusion.
  • Recommended the inclusion of a tutorial with pop-ups or guided overlays to explain the functions of different icons and features within the app.
  • Found the community icon clear once used but suggested that the stats icon could benefit from more intuitive design or explanation, possibly through a tutorial.
  • Appreciated the presence of back and forward buttons in the interface, making navigation easier without retracing steps.

Feedback on Group and Community Sharing

  • Found the community creation process straightforward and liked the ability to categorize memes and use hashtags. Also appreciated the option for private communities.
  • Discussed the importance of having moderators within communities to ensure appropriate content, drawing comparisons to Reddit’s system of moderation. Preferred a group of moderators rather than the creator alone to manage content, ensuring fairness and reducing bias.