As part of a series of user test on how the sharing mechanisms of a meme based community might work, I interviewed people in the role of “meme consumer.” A meme consumer is a person who uses the site primarily to view and share memes both within the community and outside the community. These are the key takeaways from one of those interviews. The interviewee is has been anonymized for privacy purposes. You may use these notes for secondary research purposes as long as I am credited.


Login and Profile Feedback:

  • Noted that he was logged in and identified the username and community sections.
  • Suggested making profile icons more distinguishable and recommended aligning symbols like profile pictures across the interface for clarity.
  • Recommended color coding different user interface elements for better differentiation.

Sharing Process Observations:

  • Initially confused about where to find the share button; suggested adding a clear share icon to make the sharing process more intuitive on feed page.
  • After engaging with the sharing process, he recommended adding a view button to allow users to view content before sharing.

UI Design Suggestions:

  • Recommended renaming the “individual share” option to “contact list” to reflect its function better.
  • Suggested moving the “cancel” button to a more intuitive location and labeling it clearly to avoid confusion.
  • Advocated for adding a search function within the contact list to facilitate easier selection of contacts for sharing.
  • Proposed adding a “select all” option for group sharing to streamline the process.
  • Suggested filtering options for contacts or groups for better organization.
  • Commented on the difficulty of finding the right icons and suggested reusing certain icons that worked well.
  • Noted that the checkbox placement felt confusing and suggested checking off items on the right for tasks completed, but keeping selection checkboxes on the left for consistency.
  • Recommended adding a secondary confirmation pop-up when sharing to a community to prevent accidental shares.

Feedback on Group and Community Sharing:

  • Recommended simplifying the group creation process by allowing users to create groups directly from the contact list interface.
  • Suggested renaming “new groups” to something more intuitive, such as “my groups.”
  • Emphasized the importance of a confirmation message after sharing to reassure users that their action was successful.