Imagine a project you are working on—real or imaginary. As the project manager, there are key stakeholders whose involvement is critical. Some of these stakeholders have a strong interest in the project, while others hold significant power to influence its outcomes. To ensure project success, you must manage these stakeholders effectively, addressing their unique communication needs.  

App Recap

For the MangeMobile app, an app for connecting the residents of the villages of the Grand Narbonne region with food trucks and product vendors, there are two key stakeholders that I’ve identified. They are: the projects backers and the apps development team.

Project Backers

  • Role: Provide the financial resources necessary for the development and launch of the platform.
  • Interest and Influence: There will be a high level of both interest and influence by the projects backers. They will seek a return on their investment and since they control the financial resources, their continued support is essential for project funding and scaling thus their interest and influence of the project will be substantial.
  • Management Strategy: The project backers are going to want to receive regular progress updates and reporting on the financial viability and potential success of the project. It will be essential to remind the projects backers of the value of their investment by showcasing metrics like increased user adoption, vendor participation, and revenue generation. Regular meetings to discuss project milestones and risks will help to keep them informed and engaged.
  • Communication Requirements: Communication will play and essential role in keeping the projects backers satisfied. Providing them with monthly or quarterly financial and progress reports that highlight metrics such as resident engagement, vendor signups, and the apps projected revenue, will help to meet those needs. Keeping them informed of any potential risks or delays that may occur during the development process as well as providing updates on the positive milestones the project has reached will also contribute to successful communications with the projects backers. 

Development Team

  • Role: Responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the mobile app and SMS platform.
  • Interest and Influence: The development teams interest will be medium, but their influence will be high. The development team will be compensated for their work, but they won’t have a financial stake in the final product. Thus their interest will primarily be in delivering a high-quality product on time and within scope. However, their influence will be high because its their technical expertise and ability to deliver the platform as envisioned by the project team that will directly influence the project’s success. Any delays or technical challenges on their part could affect the entire projects timeline and scope.
  • Management Strategy: Creating a collaborative relationship with the apps developers is essential. By creating a collaborative relationship with the apps developers the projects requirements, timelines, and deliverables can be more clearly defined and understood. And by using an Agile project management methodology, we can ensure that through regular check-ins, reviews, and course corrections, the project stays on track and in scope. And if problems arise along the way, the team will be provided with the necessary support and resources needed to avoid delays.
  • Communication Requirements: Communication will play and essential role in keeping the apps developers focused and productive. By engaging with the apps developers through weekly or bi-weekly progress meetings we can keep track of development milestones, resolve technical challenges, and refine project specifications as needed. The apps developers should also be encouraged to provide their own feedback as frequently as necessary to help keep the project team informed of any other potential risks or areas that may need attention that may not have been discussed in the other progress meetings.