Covered or uncovered? A field of colored shapes is hidden or exposed by a foggy shape.
Covered or uncovered? A field of colored shapes is hidden or exposed by a foggy shape.
To go along with the Terpenes Flashcards a page that you can print out and mark down some notes about the cannabis you’re currently enjoying. 8.5″ x 11″ with two forms on a page.
I have a dog named Truffles, she’s absolutely full on into digging for gophers in the yard. She’ll spend the whole day posted up in front of one of their holes waiting for somebody to come out. So inevitably she…
Some business cards for cannabis insurance and regular insurance.
I was trying for a kind of spray paint on the wall look.
It gets smokey around here in the summer so here is a sketch from a photo of the view from the neighbors house at the top of the hill.
This is a throw back to like practically the very beginning of doing graphic design. I made this while I was working with WeedTRACKER. I’ve done a lot of work with Ngaio over the years. If you’re interested you can…