Prompt: Schematic drawing, blueprint of a cake This image is part of the imagery for the Terrible Cake Party game.
Prompt: Schematic drawing, blueprint of a cake This image is part of the imagery for the Terrible Cake Party game.
Prompt: In the heat of the sun a man died of cold. Keep on coming or stand and wait, With the sun so dark and the hour so late. New Speedway Boogie is one of my favorite Grateful Dead songs,…
Prompt: Dan Flavin vs. Dan Graham Dan Flavin and Dan Graham are two of my favorite artist. This prompt combines their works together. I really like this one.
Prompt: A magazine advertisement for a bottle of wine or champagne with some text describing the bottle and promanant generic wine type branding on the bottle label How well can AI create your typical wine ad you might see in…
Prompt: A 6” grid covering 7 walls. Lines from corners, sides, and center of the walls to random points on the grid. 1st wall: Red lines from the midpoints of four sides; 2nd wall: Blue lines from the four corners;…
Prompt: Twenty-one isometic cubes of various sizes each with color ink washes superimposed Sol Lewitt’s Wall Drawing #766 is a good one. It’s pretty straight forward about what it wants you to create. I think AI did an alright job…
Prompt: Three concentric arches. The outside one is blue; the middle red; and the inside one is yellow This one was tough for the AI to follow the directions. It looks absolutely nothing like the original. Sol Lewitt’s original drawing…
Prompt: The numbers 1 to 100, individual numbers, minimalist What do numbers look like to AI? Can all the numbers from 1 to 100 be displayed together? This is the result.
Prompt: The color blue and the color green A very Rothko like experience came from this prompt. Though it has more texture than a Rothko would, its still very similar.
Prompt: She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes. And I knew, without askin’, she was into the blues. She wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls. I knew right away she was not like other girls,…
Prompt: Language is not Transparent Mel Bochner’s language is not transparent as interpreted by ai. this work (the original) is one of my favorites because it has so many subtle meanings. one of the things ive noticed after working on…
Prompt: Hauling items for organized crime, 2022, realistic Another interpretation of Grateful Dead song lyrics, although not literally the lyrics from the song but an AI optimized version of them.