A selection of annotated wireframes from the booking a flight process for a travel app.
A selection of annotated wireframes from the booking a flight process for a travel app.
A selection of high fidelity wireframes of the booking a flight process for a travel app.
Scenario map excerpts for planning a flight, booking a hotel and planning activities in a travel app.
Low fidelity paper prototype for a travel app focusing on planning flights.
Low fidelity wireframes for a travel website, mobile version.
Low fidelity wireframes for a travel website.
Elena goes shopping online at Zara’s website.
Improving the flow and results of Zara’s search.
Persona of a Zara customer, Elena Martinez
Abstract This research explores the role of memes in building and sustaining online communities, focusing on how memes serve as tools for communication, bonding, and cultural expression. By integrating user-centered design methodologies such as surveys, interviews, empathy maps, and user…
As part of a series of user test on how the sharing mechanisms of a meme based community might work, I interviewed people in the role of “meme creator.” A meme creator is a person who uses the site primarily…
As part of a series of user test on how the sharing mechanisms of a meme based community might work, I interviewed people in the role of “meme creator.” A meme creator is a person who uses the site primarily…